‘Must haves’ for stock market success- Warren Buffet shares his wisdom

Are you ready to learn from the best?

Do you want to become a trader, who rises above the crowd?

Have you got what it takes to admit own ignorance and listen to “the” superstar?

Let me share with you a little secret that Mr. Buffet revealed.

To profit from the stock market, for most of us, is a long shot. We may get singular home runs here and there, but in the long run, losses catch up.

Warren Buffet suggests that- a stratospheric IQ, Unusual business insights and insider information isn’t necessary to be a successful investor. Rather, he endorses a good framework and the emotional strength to abide by it.

How many of we know that Buffet had a mentor? His name was Benjamin Graham and as Buffet said in Ben’s book- The Intelligent Investor (preface to the fourth edition), Warren’s life was influenced by Ben more than any other man except Warren’s father.

the intelligent investor

I think, therefore, there’s a lot to learn from Ben’s book. You must definitely study that book.

Warren E. Buffet wrote in that same preface that, a man needs to follow the behavioral and business principles that Graham advocates and to pay special attention to chapters 8 & 20. Thus an investor may avoid getting poor results, according to Warren.

He goes on to say that, getting outstanding outcome depends on the amount of effort and intellect put into investments.

But that’s not all, market’s stupidity helps a business-like investor a lot too.

Hope this post ignites the necessary motivation in you to read the book (if you haven’t already)  🙂

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