Achieve your most ambitious goals using one simple trick

I hate to do big tasks. It’s frightening and I’d rather watch something on YouTube. Same applies to difficult things that we naturally don’t wanna do. Like waking up early or exercise.

It’s been bothering me so much lately so I devised a plan to tackle this. I came up with a hack. And it works.

I think we all agree that, everything we do stems from our thoughts. And every action can be divided into many smaller actions. It’s real easy to convince myself to do those smaller tasks.

So now when it’s time for exercise I don’t ask myself to workout for half an hour.

I rather tell myself to just go to my workout place. Then to put my headphones on and play my workout music. Then open my workout app. Do the first task.

I don’t even ask myself to complete the first task. Just doing the right thing at this moment is enough. Somehow things get done if I just keep faith and do the smallest thing that is required of me RIGHT NOW.

What about big tasks? Like studying for long hours? If this scares you then- DON’T THINK ABOUT IT THAT WAY.

Rather try and find what’s the next small logical step. Maybe to just go to your study room. Sit in the chair for a while. Pick up a book. Read one line. Then read the next line. See how far can you go.

Watch This Ted Talk given by Stephen Duneier. He talks about a similar idea. This guy totally transformed his life using this idea. You’ll be amazed to see how much he has accomplished and how awesome his life is!

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