Atomic Habits is a must read for everyone

Professionals stick to the schedule;
amateurs let life get in the way

We fail to live up to our potential for many reasons. Some of us are just victims of bad habits. Some just can’t beat fear. Then there are others who are shackled by their tendency to procrastinate. These things work diligently everyday to keep us where we are, or worse- get us spiraling down towards hell.

These monsters are real. They pretend to love us, make us fall victim to short-term safety and pleasure. They are cunning and know how to break through every wall of reason that we build.

Your higher self calls you. You want to answer it. But, you don’t. You can’t actually. It’s because of these monsters. Stephen Pressfield calls them Resistance. Resistance stems from you but is not you. You can defeat it. You just need some weapons in your arsenal.

I first saw James Clear on YouTube. I instantly knew he was legit. Later when he published a book I knew I had to read it. The Book is called Atomic Habits.

Atomic Habits is a perfection. There are many books and gurus for habits. James Clear borrows from them and then add his own wisdom to it. Thus, Atomic Habit is comprehensive and tackles almost all the practical issues that we face regarding habits.

The best thing about the book is how it illustrates the relationship between habits and identity. Here’s a quote from the book:

Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.

The main discussion of the book revolves around the 4 pillars of habit: Cue, Craving, Response and Reward. Clear goes in depth about how to utilize these phase to build good habits and delete the bad ones.

When you apply the teachings of Atomic Habits to your life, you beat resistance. You stop being a hedonist and start your journey towards stoicism. You are then in the path of manifesting your highest, truest self.

Even a little improvement today goes a long way over time. Your life will soon be vibrant and filled with meaning. This book will show you how to take proper care of every aspect of your life- health, wealth, art, spirit… you name it. Through automatizing the most important yet mundane tasks, you’ll find true freedom. Through building rituals your performance will be consistently good and improve over time.

When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don’t have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running

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