Outliers is an outstanding book.

Malcolm Gladwell has a unique way of writing.

He starts all his chapters with one story, only to be interrupted by another one. Half way through the second story you realize that the 2nd one is actually there to help you understand the first one. It’s a fun journey to go through.

His stories always have themes and counter-themes, and the whole book is there to subvert your expectations and change your mind about how success really works.

But having said that, its not a storybook at all! It’s a non-fiction about how success is not an individual achievement.

Success comes from luck factors, lineage, demographic advantage and even from the month you were born!

No he does not suggest that astrology is at play. Rather he shows how athletes can get advantage from their birth-date because they were born a few months earlier from there peers in the same age class.

He talks about how airlines have solved their ‘culture’ problem, how Bill Joy and Bill Gates got to the top and why KIPP works.

He even talks about how his mother came from Jamaica to lead a successful life in Canada.

This book is sometimes enthralling and enticing. Other times it can get tragic and even terrifying!

But one thing is for sure, this book will change your attitude towards success forever.

It will help you develop gratitude, get rid of envy and create a better platform for you and your family.

This is a book that you definitely want to read.

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