Did Keto Diet give me a Spiritual Experience?

The short answer: No.

This is not to say that there were no mental benefits of going through keto diet. There’s plenty. Here’s how I illustrated the benefits in an earlier post:

The results were drastic. I found both physical and mental benefits. I lost 3-4 pounds every week. My body felt lighter and I was less lethargic. My sleep cycle was better and I woke up early in the morning with no sleepiness. I enjoyed this benefit the most. Usually it takes me a lot of time to truly wake up. But, when on ketosis, I seemed to wake up instantly. I felt fresh and focused.


Naturally one should ask next if this induced a spiritual experience or not. Because, many spiritual teachers have played with their diet. Some went through gruesome fasting whereas others chose to be vegan.

Well, in my case, it didn’t. I don’t know of anyone else who experienced it either. So, I guess if you want to try keto diet, you should only expect the physical and mental benefits. Which are a lot in the first place. Here’s my experience with keto diet- How I lost 24 pounds in 60 days (Keto Diet)

Here’s some ways to boost your brain (including ketosis) – This is how to increase your brain power

For spiritual experiences, I guess meditation remains the best tool overall. Doing ‘The Work’ with Byron Katie, listening to ‘The Power of Now’ audiobook, watching a river flow or just wandering alone in the city street at night could be other very potent ways of inducing a strong spiritual experience.