Do this and everybody will Love you

I was watching Charisma on command. It’s a YouTube channel that shares tips on human interactions. Ever so often, they will do a video on a celebrity or a TV character. These are called charisma breakdowns and are super fun to watch. They have done one on Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Emilia Clarke, Joe Rogan, PewDiePie and many other people.

So, the video I was watching was about Sophie Turner. She’s the person who plays Sansa Stark on Game of Thrones. I have seen Sophie come across as a very likable person despite not being too assertive of dominant. So, I was very excited to learn about what Charlie from Charisma on command had to say about this. And sure enough, Charlie acknowledged that Sophie doesn’t come across as the most comfortable person around people. She can easily be categorized as a shy and introverted person. Yet she can capture attention, make people listen to her, make jokes, rap in a national TV all the while she is having fun and people around her are enjoying her company too!

This is something many shy and introvert people, like me, will give a kidney to learn. Ok that was an exaggeration. We don’t care that much about mingling with people. That’s why we are called introverts in the first place. But, its certainly worth to take 10 minutes out of our day to read about it.

So, if you haven’t already clicked out of the blog post to see Charlie’s video, then thanks.. I guess? Here’s what I learned from there and what are the results I am seeing.

Ok first let me warn you the video was uploaded just a few days ago, so I’ve had only 2 or 3 days to test the ideas out. The results are not statistically significant but just anecdotal evidence.

Ok enough of me ranting on a tangent, here’s the lesson I’ve personally found most insightful from the video. People like underdogs. If you are a shy and introverted person, then this is the card that you may want to play. Nobody expects you to put an effort into social gatherings, nobody expects you to speak up at little discomforts but if you do, you become an underdog, who’s fighting for what he believes in. You are David from the Goliath story.

Just being shy and intimidated is not sexy. Its not inspiring or interesting. Sometimes its annoying, most of the time it’s just invisible. I mean shy and intimidated people are. But, the moment you try, you are the hero who is trying to fight against an adversity. You are the person who is rejecting what fate has given him and trying to claim what he deserves. Ok sorry for being too dramatic. I know the world doesn’t see my personal struggle with my shyness as the great fight of the century. But, it’s admirable. Not just my fight, but everyone’s fight. Whenever a person, who is intimidated, still makes an effort to say hello and smiles, instead of burying his face into a book or a smartphone, the world acknowledges that, and admires and loves him for that.

Ok, so my experience supports all this I said above. Actually, all of this is my experience, Charlie never goes into these details about the topic. He talks about many other things. Most of what you just read comes from my own experience.

So, there you go. Had to share this with you because I think its awesome. There’s one more post I am planning to write and it’s about active listening. So, stay tuned for that, I guess. See you in the next one 🙂

Praise; don’t Criticize.


Dale Carnegie. I’ve been reading this guy’s book since I was 16. Have always considered myself lucky to have found him. But I never really had the kind of social situation to truly test his wisdom until now.

dale carnegie
dale carnegie

For those of you who don’t know him:

Dale Carnegie is a writer from 20th century. His most famous book is ” How to win Friends and influence People”. This is the book I’ll talk about in this post.

How to win friends and influence people
How to win friends and influence people

The title of the book sounds clickbaity and too much for a book to deliver. At least that’s what I thought, at first.

Open the book and you’ll be greeted with some simple as well as some counter-intuitive rules of, making friends and influencing people. Some of the rules are:- Smile! ,smile

  • Never criticize a person,
  • Complement whenever appropriate,
  • Show genuine interest in the other person,
  • Remember names,
  • Be a good listener, etc.



warren buffet
warren buffet

You know something?

Warren Buffet, the stock market wizard, one of the richest man alive, was a student of Dale Carnegie Training.


What does make a person charismatic? The person himself? How is it that I feel like a champion with some people but other people make me feel like a loser? (Guess who are the people I want to spend the most time with..!)

Well the beauty of Dale Carnegie’s teaching is that; it works. Hands down. It worked perfectly when I was 17. Now I am 23 & it still works flawlessly.

But there’s a catch. (No, it doesn’t require you to sell your soul 😉 )

The catch is– you have to know how to use the rules.

The most common rule people misunderstand is, the one regarding praising people.

What type of ‘compliment’ is Dale talking about here? It’s the type that emerges from observing the other person. It emerges in the now, after you’ve been in the presence of the person. Do you see anything you like? The shirt? Or maybe how calm they are? It can be anything. But it ‘HAS TO BE REAL’.


Don’t praise just because. That makes you come across as fake. It makes you look like a try hard; a salesperson. Praise only because you appreciate something in the other person, Now. You will melt the heart of even the toughest person alive.

Give this book a try if you haven’t already. And as with any other classic, try what you learn in real life. You may be amazed by the results.