What is the Purpose of my life?

Spoiler: I don’t know.

Well the following may sound like philosophy, but it’s not. My aptitude for philosophy is nonexistent.

But that doesn’t stop me from asking difficult questions and trying to answer them.

This is the question that has been bothering me much lately: What is the purpose of my life?

Is it to take care of my parents? Possibly.
Is it to pursue pleasure? Why not.

Is it to be a leader and solve earth’s various crisis? Maybe.

I mean the possibilities are endless.

That got me thinking. Maybe the possibilities are endless because I can perform so many various functions.

So, lets leave humans for a second and think about a shoe.

What is the purpose of a shoe? Is it to be worn by its owner? To look shiny all the time? To kill cockroaches?

I’m inclined to say: none. Because, the shoe doesn’t have a choice. It can’t say no to anything. So there is no purpose of it’s life except whatever its owner decides.

Now let’s come back to humans. Humans do have a choice. But what shall influence my choices? Usually it’s my feelings. But are feelings the proper master to serve? What about the well being of others? But at the same time, why does the well being of others trump my feelings?

Well I am yet to find a proper answer.

You should read ‘The War of Art’

For the lazy, unmotivated people, ‘The war of art’ is a must. For any aspiring artist, ‘The war of art’ is like a bible. For an up and coming entrepreneur, ‘The war of art’ is the missing piece of the puzzle. Steven Pressfield is not only a bestselling writer; he is a father figure to anyone who dares to dream.
‘The war of art’ is the type of book that hooks you from the first page. After finishing the book, it will become a lifelong companion, whose wisdom will guide you through most hardships.
‘The war of art’ is practical, yet spiritual. It deals with psychology, while it preaches a philosophy. It’s a non-fiction book, yet it has a hero, a villain, a father figure and a prize. – just like any typical adventure story.
‘The war of art’ literally portrays your life as an adventure story. Where you get a call for something great, a prize that you really really want. But, the villain (named resistance) keeps you from it. Only after character development does the hero get the prize ( turning pro).
On the other hand, it is the farthest from a fiction. It portrays reality as a harsh, crude place… stripping any glamour off of it. It promises no rewards without hardship. It is not even concerned with the rewards. Rather it tells you to show up, no matter what. It tells you how to turn pro.
You are a pro when you work at Starbucks or Walmart. Because, you show up every day. Are you a pro in your own business? In your artistic endeavours?

Better create yourself instead of finding yourself

I was looking for myself. I don’t know what I was thinking. But I was going insane looking for a self. He was supposed to represent me. I never found him. Maybe there was no one to be found.

Once I realized this I gave up. I thought, how about I create a self? A self that was worth working for. A self that was worth struggling for. It would be my creation. My contribution to earth. It would not be some one that should be . Rather someone I want to be.

This thought evergized me. This gave me purpose. Most of all, it gave me direction. Now I knew where to go. I knew when I was doing things right and when I was wrong.

Would you be interested in creating yourself? Why don’t you try it out for some days and see how it goes?