The Amazons vs Us

Greek mythology describes Amazons- a female horse-rider tribe. Could there have been real tribes like them? What do I mean when I say tribes like them? It’s people who had a collective consciousness. They experienced themselves as part of a whole, without a sense of individuality. Like a flock of birds experience there journey.

They saw reality as akin to dreams. Things just appeared to them. Things like thoughts, smell, sound, speech. They didn’t strive to create a reality. Rather they lived each moment as is. This gave them wisdom beyond our comprehension. An individual neuron is impressive but its when they serve a single entity and join forces with thousands of other that they become truly powerful. Imagine hundreds of brains connecting in a similar way!

Without our technology we are not that impressive as an individual. But, people in these type of tribes could have been amazing entities without external supports. Just like a Zen master or a samurai, they could react fast and accurately to whatever challenge was in front of them. Did science and technology defeat them? Where are they now? Did their wisdom lose to our ego-centric conniving? Could they not anticipate our forest burning, mass bombing massacres? Or did they just elect to opt-out from existing in this ego-fest voluntarily?