How I lost 24 pounds in 60 days (Keto Diet)

22nd March of 2018 was my 23rd birthday. I weighed 180 pounds and was slightly overweight in the BMI scale. I looked fat too. Despite all that, I didn’t care. Then I got rejected by someone very special. Heartbroken as I was, I decided to better myself. That included my physical condition. I became interested in Ketogenic Diet. The whole concept sounded fascinating to me. I didn’t like rice and bread anyways. So I was happy to ditch carbohydrate altogether and live off of protein and fat.

For those who don’t know what ketogenic diet is, it’s where you keep your daily carbohydrate intake to a minimum (less than 20g). This induces body to seek alternative fuel and thus burns the fats stored in your body. Hence, the weight loss…

I started to eat fish, chicken, eggs, butter, mayo for protein and fat. With them I often ate Kale and Cauliflowers. The breakfasts were really boring. The hardest part was to find proper food in my University cafeteria. I struggled but I carried on. I had to give up snacks and all kinds of sugary things. Instead of cola I drank mineral water.

The results were drastic. I found both physical and mental benefits. On the physical side, I lost 3-4 pounds every week. My body felt lighter and I was less lethargic. My sleep cycle was better and I woke up early in the morning with no sleepiness. I enjoyed this benefit the most. Usually it takes me a lot of time to truly wake up. But, when on ketosis, I seemed to wake up instantly.

On the mental side I felt fresh and focused. I don’t know how much of all this was placebo so don’t quote me on the benefits. But as far as I know, some benefits of the ketogenic diet are well documented, specially the weight loss part. If you are interested in this for weight loss, I’d say go ahead, but do your research first. If you have some health condition you definitely should seek expert advice. Another good alternative to ketogenic diet is intermittent fasting. It is well documented too. Still, seek expert advice before trying any diet.