Risk & Responsibility: The 2 ideas to unlock your fullest potential.

The problem with doing the right things is that, it’s risky. Sometimes, it’s just sheer responsibility. Problem with risk and responsibility is that nobody likes them. It’s human nature to be risk averse. And responsibility is just not sexy. You can live a very comfortable life, with most of its necessities, without taking much risk and responsibility. Human progress and the structural stability of our current society has enabled us to goof off all day, keep a menial job and still have a home, a spouse, children, friends and of course, food, clothes and medicine. You can easily numb any feeling of boredom or meaninglessness with drugs, alcohol, TV and smartphones. So why take risks and responsibility?

When you go out of your way to do something properly, it’s a risk. When you go out of your way to do something different, or put a little extra effort or stand up for something you believe in, it’s a risk. Maybe your efforts are a waste. Nobody may show up to your comedy gig. No one may ever buy your book. The people responsible for your promotion might not notice your efforts. The new voice modulation technique you learned might make people laugh at you if you implement it. At least in a conforming life, you get expected results. Your business may fail, but your menial job will deposit a certain amount every month. The new career switch you planned could turn out disastrously wrong. All the trouble for nothing. Whereas, your smoking habit at least gives you pleasure right now, and you might even get lucky and not get cancer!

But, there’s a caveat. Proper, calculated risks, increase the probability of a more desired outcome. Yes, there’s some uncertainty. But, even a casino loses 40% of the times. It’s the 60% probability of success, that makes money for a casino (and that’s why it’s bad to gamble for the individual gambler, as he’ll lose 60% of the times). Thus, each risk you take, starts an invisible slot machine, which randomly rewards you. Calculated risks, make you lose less than you gain. Thus, overtime, the profits accrue. The compounding of your day-to-day rewards, take your life to a better place than it was tomorrow.

What about responsibility? Why tell the truth when lies get you better results at the moment? Why do nice things for people if there’s nothing to get from it? Isn’t it just smarter to lie, cheat, steal at every opportunity you get? Why not vent all my anger on someone innocent if I feel like it? Why care about the proper education of the future generations? You know for a fact that people prosper even without taking much responsibility. There are examples of unearned success everywhere. There are corrupt rich people everywhere. It’s even the easier route to take. Why bother doing something different?

A cancer cell is prosperous, but it’s not good. Good triumphs prosperity, even in your individual experience. Prosperous people soon realize, what really matters is a sense of fulfillment. Meaning is non-negotiable. We are after all some microorganisms waiting for death on a small planet. Our certain death, our lack of perfection and all our vulnerability is what makes life challenging. And facing up to this challenge using all your abilities, gives it meaning. The meaning is in the fight. The rules of the fight matter. Taking shortcuts wins you some individual battles, but you lose the fight. Simultaneously, you make yourself shallow. Instead of being useful to others, you start becoming harmful. And when enough people adopt this way, the world faces the horrors alike the ones in the 20th century. On the other hand, you’ll be amazed if you think how much of a better place the world would be, if everyone took their fair share of responsibilities. That reality will never come until you are one of the good guys. An irresponsible person lives burdened by the knowledge that the world would have been a better place if he did not exist. Can any of the things you achieve in life be an antidote to that?

A few Life advices that I learned from Dr. Jordan Peterson

Choose a star and journey towards it. You might ask, ‘Which star?’. The answer is, ‘It doesn’t matter’. If you are moving, you are defeating entropy. Entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, is always there to get you. Don’t let it get you.

Every day, ask yourself, ‘What stupid things am I doing that I should stop?’

Ask and ye shall receive an answer. Stop doing those stupid things. Do this daily and your life can be repaired beyond your imagination.

Don’t compare yourself to other people. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. Improve upon your shortcomings. That’s how you keep getting better with each day. Soon you’ll like what you see in the mirror.

Assume responsibility. Things go wrong in life often. Assume as if you have something to do about that. Then you can work towards being better prepared when things go wrong again in the future.

Be humble. You are nowhere near as cool as you could be. Open your eyes and look for areas for improvement. Listen to other people as if they have something important to teach you.

Sacrifice. Clinging to your ideas is what makes you stale and stops you from growing. You have to die a little to be reborn as a better person.

Don’t lie. Especially to yourself. You’re easier to deceive than you think. It creates great suffering when someone fools themselves.

Do all of this poorly. Don’t aim for perfection in the first go. Even when you’re doing just an assignment, do it poorly at first. You can always improve what you’ve made. But trying to be perfect in the first go will paralyze you with fear of failure.

And last but not the least, clean your bloody room bucko!

(These thoughts are inspired by Dr. Jordan Peterson’s lectures)