Craft a story to memorize faster

Craft story to memorize

Here’s how a story can help you memorize a big list:

Yesterday I was studying about fire insurances. I came across a big list containing 8 lines of instructions. I was already bored to death. I had no energy left to cram this list.

The Method of Loci

I have known about The Method of Loci for some time now. But I never took the time to master it. I took out my phone, opened YouTube and searched for the method. Then, I started watching the first video. It was really good. I got super excited . So I tried it out myself. The result was pure gold. The method works like a charm. Here is the link to that video- The method of loci
Make sure that you skip to 4:25 minutes of the video. The first 4 minutes are unnecessary chatter.

This video shows how to incorporate an interconnected story to remember chunks of information. I used it to remember those fire insurance clauses. I can still remember the whole thing without revision. That blows my mind, as I’ve always been very bad at memorizing stuff.

Watch this to go to the next level

There’s another video that may come handy- when you need to memorize bigger lists. Here’s the link-

Video about Mind Palace technique

These guys have done an amazing job at explaining the method. So I will not go into the details here. Watch them and grow a new super power!