Train like a Dog

Reward good behaviors and punish bad ones. We do this with everyone else. Why not ourselves?

Say ”I am amazing for doing this”, “yes, I am awesome” or maybe give yourself a more constructive and well thought out compliment like- “wow, I really did a good job at doing x”.

Don’t take yourself for granted. Cherish your superior moments. Thank yourself for not being dumb and doing something right. Watch the video below to see how B.J Fogg uses this to reinforce a habit.

Don’t beat yourself to death when you falter. But gently say, hey it’s okay. But let’s not repeat the same mistake. Let’s learn and be better.

But don’t shrug off and say it doesn’t matter either. Don’t reward yourself for bad behavior. If you repeat bad behavior (like smoking, sleeping late etc) tell yourself that you don’t appreciate it and it’s better not happening again.

Train yourself like a dog for some days and see the change!