Mystics say, you are emptyness, yet you are one with the world. Here’s the rationale behind that claim.

Some mystics say that you can’t find yourself in the world, that whatever you think is you, is not you.

Whereas, some others might say (often the same ones) that, you are one with everything. Everything is you. There is no divide.

Well both of those viewpoints are right.

It all depends on the lens you use to see everything.

You see, we often see the world with an objective lens, while using a subjective one to experience the inner realm. That is where the ‘illusion of division’ starts. See the world with an objective lens, and there is no difference betweens things that happen inside your body, and the things that happen outside of your body. It’s all objects, atoms, particles, reactions and energy.

Well, use a subjective lens and everything is now just another object in the ocean of your consciousness. Your thoughts, the walls in your room, the sensations of your breath, the sound of water dropping… Where’s the divide?

Again, only when you say that your thoughts and senses are your subjective experience whereas the walls in your room are objects, you start seeing a division. But that is like using Celsius scale to measure the temperature of one thing and then using Farenhite to measure the temperature of another thing of the same temperature, and saying that they have different temperatures because the readings in different scales don’t match. Not a very sane way of deduction, is it?

So next time you open your eyes after some meditative moments, try to keep the subjective view of things as you take in the outside world. See how similar your experience is for both your inner realm and the world outside you. Is there any difference in the way you experience the voice inside your head and the voice of someone else?