About Tai Lopez, Mentors & Books

Tai Lopez is one of those people who have lots of lovers and haters. Well, love him or hate, there is no denying that he is smart. His speech at TED was top notch, his ad on YouTube was genius.

Well, I like the guy. For one reason, he gave me some ideas that are still with me and serve me. He says that everybody wants the good life, but not everybody is ready to work for it. he introduces the concepts of how mentors can help you, he also shows how books are the way to connect with the best and greatest the world has ever produced.

The thing is that, these are common sense. I don’t need Tai Lopez or anyone to tell me these. But what Tai did for me was to bring my focus back on them. Tai helps to make us ponder how powerful a mentor and thus a book can really be.

I have been a book worm since I was a child. I continue to read books until this day. But I’ve rarely stuck with one book and totally mastered the topics it discussed which I should have. If I look back, to my  teen years, I should have mastered Dale Carnegie, I should have memorized and deeply pondered upon what was written on the ‘Magic of Thing Big’. The only book and mentor that I almost devoted my life to and tried to do as well as I could was ‘The Power of Now’ and ‘Eckhart Tolle’. I am grateful to have done that.

Let us keep reading and learning. Reading and learning make us grow as a person. They give us agility and adaptability. Books provide us with food for thought and provoke our imagination. They let us be better that who we are at the moment and thus we alleviate unnecessary suffering.

I am looking for mentors in many fields right now. I need someone to teach me more about finance, presentation, storytelling, blogging etc. But I cant see anyone in the local community that I would benefit from. There’s one teacher in my university whose deep understanding about finance I admire but I guess he wont want to mentor me. He has a busy schedule and a family.

So I’ve been trying to tackle this problem with different tools. Ted talks are a good source for accomplished mentors in different fields of study, then there’s book , YouTube videos and coursera. I’ve been learning Finance and presentation from coursera.

Hope this discussion helps you in your journey.