Neil Gaiman shares how he keeps writing day after day

Was listening to Neil Gaiman on the Tim Ferris show. I already admired the guy- for his silky voice, good looks, nuggets of wisdom from his masterclass and of course- his writing. This podcast didn’t change anything about that.

He shares an interesting secret here. It’s how he keeps producing so much content. I found the trick very practical yet amusing. Been giving it a try since I listened to him yesterday and trust me – it works!

He basically prepares for writing and sits down in his assigned place, blocking distractions. Then he tells himself that he has permission to write or NOT to write… but he can not do anything else.

Naturally his mind wanders around as writing can be boring and tedious if done day after day. But miraculously yet very much predictably, he picks up the pen and starts putting words onto the sheets. It turns out that, writing is more interesting than doing nothing.

Very practical insight indeed! Just show up to your work and give yourself permission to fidget around. But, avoid the slot-machine-like addictive YouTube, Facebook or any other entertaining stuff. Just be there- alone in the workplace. Sooner or later, your mind will start searching for more fun, and the only available fun is your work!